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Weight Converter Pounds to Kilograms: Matlab


Create a variable pounds to store weight in pounds. Convert this to kilograms and assign the result to a variable kilos. The conversion factor is 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds. Solve using Matlab


This problem has been taken from the book written by Stomy Attaway. This is a problem in the first chapter. This book is really great for the beginners to become a professionals in Matlab. I seriously recommend reading this book:  Matlab, Third Edition: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving.

Okay lets go into the solution. This is a very basic problem and can be solved in many different ways. We will solve this problem taking the input from user and then give the output. If you don't understand the problem then go to explanation section below the program section and if you still don't understand then check out these links which will give teach you about the basics behind this program.


%Ask the user for input of pounds
pounds = input('Enter the weight in pounds');
%Convert pounds to kilos using the conversion factor 
kilos = 2.2*pounds;
%Display the weight in kilos
fprintf('The weight of %f pounds is %f kilos\n',pounds,kilos)

You can also solve this problem using functions if you will repeatedly use the conversion.


I will explain this problem line by line and you can understand this easily. In the first line we are using the input function in Matlab to ask the user to enter the value of weight in pounds. Now we will use the conversion factor of 1 kg = 2.2 pounds to convert the value of pounds to kilos. Notice that we are storing the value of the weight of the object in Kilograms to kilos. Then we are using the fprintf statement to display the value to the user. 


pounds_to_kilos Conversion Using matlab
pounds_to_kilos Conversion Using matlab

Run this program in Matlab on your computer and comment your output in the comment below.
I have tried to explain the program in a very simple way. If you didn't understand or have any doubt then please do contact me. You can contact me from here: contact me
The above code was highlighted using
keywords: matlab, Stomy Attaway solutions, Introduction to programming, Matlab Solutions