xlrd module is a python module and is used for working with excel files or sprea dsheets . If you have seen the title I have named this post with Read the docs at the end. Do you k now why? python xlrd module documentation/tutorial Okay I will tell it to you. The first time I used python I got in love with this programming language the same way you fell in love with it. But one day I wanted to convert data in excel sheet to a dictionary for my computations. I thought that I could consider excel sheets as python file objects and proceed with computation. But th is method of using e xcel fi les as file o bjects didn 't work . So I typed " Excel with python " in google and the results I saw were these: Google results for "Excel with python" I chose the second result because the name( title ) was obvious and I found the xlrd module . I clicked on the documentations and expected this kind of documentation: Read the docs documentation s...
With Radius of Circle, people can learn to program and have hands-on tutorials with python and Matlab. ProjectEuler problems solutions are also available to have a better solution and improve the knowledge of people. A lot of algorithms which form the basic programming are also available. I hope the internet community will make use of this blog.