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xlrd python module for reading spreadsheets - Read the docs

xlrd module is a python module and is used for working with excel files or spreadsheets.
If you have seen the title I have named this post with Read the docs at the end. Do you know why?
python xlrd documentation or tutorial
python xlrd module documentation/tutorial
Okay I will tell it to you. The first time I used python I got in love with this programming language the same way you fell in love with it. But one day I wanted to convert data in excel sheet to a dictionary for my computations. I thought that I could consider excel sheets as python file objects and proceed with computation. But this method of using excel files as file objects didn't work

So I typed "Excel with python" in google and the results I saw were these:
Google search results for "Excel with python"
Google results for "Excel with python"
 I chose the second result because the name(title) was obvious and I found the xlrd module. I clicked on the documentations and expected this kind of documentation:
Documentation for a python module using read the docs - The style which I expected
Read the docs documentation style
 But what I saw was this:
xlrd official documentation page
xlrd official documentation page
 This official documentation didn't have any quickstart or any introduction but the code was introduced directly. Because of this I was not able to use the module directly. 

After few days I finally have learned the usage of xlrd module. But at some corner of my heart I felt the requirement for readthedocs style documentation. Even though documentation for read the docs is generated using sphinx, what I finally decided was that I should write one neat introduction, installation and quickstart so that people can get benefitted from these.

The result is what you are seeing. If you are here to learn the xlrd module easily then you are at correct place and you can access the following links to see introduction, installation and quickstart.
  1. The xlrd python module for reading spreadsheet documents - Introduction
  2. The xlrd python module for reading excel spreadsheets - Installation
  3. The xlrd python module for reading data in spreadsheets - Quickstart  

After you complete reading all these, go to the official documentation, you will for sure understand each and every function or method or class easily.

Finally, please don't hesitate to comment in the comment box below if I have made any mistake or you want me to add any topic. I will for sure reply to you as soon as possible and help you.

Thank you. Have a nice day!

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