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Generate using matlab sum of natural numbers from 1 to n using functions


Write a function in matlab which will find the sum of n natural numbers.


The solution is as simple as just generating the for loop and adding all the numbers generated by the for loop.
Find the Explanation below


function answer = sum_of_numbers(n)
%This function will calculate the sum of n numbers
%For Example

%A variable to store the value of the sum
answer = 0;
for i = 1:n
    answer = answer+i;


In this function the only part which a few people won't understand is after the initiation of the answer variable.
After the initiation of the answer variable, the for loop is started and now let us examine through the iteration to make it easy for understanding.

First iteration

Now as soon as the for loop starts, the value of i is 1, now the answer variable is changed from previous value( 0 ) to 0(previous value)+1(value of the iterator). Now the new value for the answer variable is 1.

Second iteration

In the second iteration the value of i is changed to 2 and deep into the loop the value of the answer variable is changed from previous value(1) to 1(previous value)+2(value of the iterator).
In the similar way the value is changed to 6 in the third iteration and this continues.

Download the above program as matlab file for use: sum_of_numbers.m

You can also get a pdf version of this post to read it offline: sum_of_numbers.pdf

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Run the program and comment below the output you are getting for a given input.

Keywords: sum of numbers, matlab function