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Where does dishonesty start?

Now a days we see many people not being honest or being dishonest to others and not everyone knows that, these people who are not honest to others are not honest to themselves. Before we proceed further let me explain you what honesty in my context mean. According to me being dishonest or not being honest is like cheating yourself at first then people around you, then your nation and finally the whole world. Some of the examples of dishonesty are like not completing the job assigned to you, telling a lie to others, cheating your parents and many more. So how one person being dishonest does have an effect on whole world?
Dishonesty is like a virus which will never leave until you will face a failure in your life. It will also spread from one dishonest person to a person who is honest. To make it simple let us consider a person who is a dishonest cop whose name is Donest. One day one person approaches this person in the police station stating that he has lost his phone whose name is Nest. As a first impression Nest will think that Donest is an honest officer and Nest will ask him to file a document regarding his lost phone. Now Donest being dishonest will ask him to give some money. Nest as a common citizen knows few of his fundamental rights granted by his country and one of them being that registering a case for lost phone is free of charge and thus asks Donest why he should pay money for free service. This makes Donest angry and as Nest is talking of all the rules he will start stating all the rules which are not really in the constitution and Donest confuses him with some false rules and finally Nest not being satisfied for paying money doesn’t pay anything and thus there’s no registered case for his lost phone. Nest observes the same problem with one of his friends and this time he will conclude that even if Nest steals others phones, then he will not face any legal problems because Donest will indirectly help him asking bribe to the people who have lost their phone and also finds out that even if the person who has lost his phone will bribe the officer, Donest will never start searching the phone and will sit idle for any incoming crimes where he can earn more money. At the end of the story Nest will start stealing phones and was never caught until the Donest was caught guilty of bribe.
Here Donest getting greedy of money even after he receives a large amount of salary from his government has created a thief. Some part of the above story was real and did happen in my life. All the names in the above story are not real, they have been replaced with some other names. And also I am not there in the story except as a narrator. Okay lets get back to the question why many are dishonest?/Where does dishonesty start? We know that humans have evolved from many thousands of years ago and people like Donest were also there from a very long time in the history. These people have spread their disease dishonesty to many people and thus we can find many people who are dishonest to others. But the specialty is that being dishonest to others is also being dishonest to yourself. I still have a lot more stories in my life which thought me many lessons. I am really thankful to god for giving me this beautiful life, a great reader like you. Thank you!
Please note that I would have written a very long post for the same but I feel that a very long story which has many pages is boring rather than a short post which has a good content precise and perfect. So I have written this post keeping in mind people like me who doesn’t like reading a very very long story.

Send your story to me or comment it below so that the world will come to know about this disease. You can contact me/send your story from here contact me.
Keywords: Dishonesty, disease, cop, police station,

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